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[E] Rainy_Daze
[E] Rainy_Daze
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over 12 years ago
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over 6 years ago
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Thank you very much!
over 6 years ago
Username: Rainy_Daze When I was banned: Sometime in 2013, I don't know the exact date Person who banned me: Unknown Reason you were banned: Inappropriate Creative structure Extra information: I don't remember what I built in the Creative world that was deemed inappropriate - I think the last time I played was before the ban, and I didn't find out about it until almost a year later in 2014. I didn't knowingly build anything inappropriate, so I can't say for sure what I made that warranted a ban, but if I'm unbanned I'll be sure to take more care with what I build in the Creative world. Regardless of your decision on the matter, thank you for your time!
over 6 years ago
Username: Rainy_Daze When you were banned : Unknown (at least one year ago) Person who banned you: Unknown Reason you were banned: Inappropriate Creative Structure Server: Creative? It's been a long time since I visited Minetown. I decided that I would hop on and see my old builds only to find out that I was banned for "inappropriate creative structure." I'm afraid I don't know what the structure is, because I don't really remember what I built in the creative world, but I would hate to be banned forever from Minetown, since I used to visit every day. I promise that I'll immediately rectify the situation in the creative world (if it hasn't already been removed, that is), whatever it may be. Thanks, Rainy_Daze
over 10 years ago
I was on the creative server recently and was helping a friend build a tower out of pine wood (this is related, I promise). My friend was placing the pine half-blocks as stairs while I was making a platform atop the tower made of pine half-blocks. For some reason, in the middle of placing several pine half-blocks, they suddenly changed, for no apparent reason, into oak half-blocks and would always float as though there was some invisible half-block below them despite being placed atop a flat block. The oak half-blocks were placed into the inventory again and pine half-blocks were once again added to the inventory. A few moments later it happened again. When the oak half-block was placed into another inventory slot and then placed onto the top of the tower, it flickered for a second and disappeared, both from the top of the tower and from the inventory slot. My friend experienced this as well. I'd appreciate if someone could look at it. Thanks, Rainy_Daze
over 12 years ago
Hi! I'm Rainy_Daze. I've owned Minecraft for a few months now - somewhere between 3 and 5 - and this is my first time on a server. I can definitely say that I am utterly confused. I thought that a server would just be a community of people, surviving and building and fighting away creepers at night until they eventually created a Nether Portal and found an End Portal, and from then on they would be friends, building fantastic works of block art and trying to do the same thing all over again. But then I went into the server for the first time. Apparently, all of the land has been claimed (and how do you claim land anyway?) and the only way you can find your own is to beg for someone to give you gold then buy a 9x9 plot for a scrawny home. Or you can spend several real-time days fighting off creepers, spiders, Endermen, zombies, skeletons, and all other things Minecraft throws at you, at the same time starving to death because all the animals are captured or dead, while you desperately attempt to find a tree - just one! - that is on unclaimed land so that you can have a little bit of wood, and maybe an apple if you're really lucky. That is not what I envisioned when I joined Minetown. Now, I know very little about computers, commands, and anything else related to that even remotely. All I know about Minecraft is how to build, mine, and survive the night. So at the very least, would someone please, please give me a list of the commands I can use, tell me how to claim land, and suggest an unclaimed area that they know of?
over 12 years ago